FAB Families at Inman Elementary School

Inman Elementary students are all part of a FAB Family.  FAB Families are made up of 5-7 students that range from Kindergarten to sixth grade.  Each family has their own unique-colored t-shirt (that we wear on FAB Friday), and one or two adult leaders.  The goal is for FAB families to meet one time per month, but due to illness, February was the first time we were able to come together this school year.  Students and adults enjoy the time they spend with their FAB Families.

During FAB Family times, families enjoy eating lunch together, an activity and spending time with each other. During the February family time, families played “Hearts-to-Hearts” – a February version of “Apples-to-Apples.”  The students loved this activity and the time with their family. There is often a lot of laughter and enjoyment found in FAB Families.

FAB families stretch beyond the monthly FAB Family time. Students are excited to see family members in the hallway and throughout the building.  Students often seek out a family member to give a hug, special note or just to say “hello”.  Older students take on a leadership role and help the younger students in the family.  For example, older students may help the younger students with family activities, help with their lunch and help them find their way back to the classroom.  Students take pride in their FAB Family.

This is a great opportunity for students to build relationships with various adults and students in the building that they would normally not interact with.  The positive connections created during FAB Families stretch beyond the FAB Family meeting time as students learn social skills and relationship building skills that they can use daily.  We love being able to make positive connections with students that we may otherwise not have the opportunity to know.