How does it work?
MCKIDS provides a multitude of services to support the growth and development of children, with developmental delays or disabilities, and their families. A Family Service Coordinator (FSC) will coordinate all of the child’s/family’s paperwork, services, and any resources that may be needed. A Primary Service Provider (PSP) will provide special instruction, coaching, and guided therapy in order to equip parents or caregivers to meet the needs of the child.
All services are provided in the Natural Environment which are settings where the child and family spend time doing typical and valued activities such as the home, grocery store, park, McDonald’s, Grandma’s house, daycare, and so on.
During visits, the Primary Service Provider (PSP) will spend some time observing parents or caregivers interacting with the child. A joint plan will be discussed between parents or caregivers and the PSP as to what needs should be addressed. The PSP may model specific strategies for the parent or caregiver to use in order to support the child’s learning and development. Then, parents or caregivers and the PSP will work together to determine how and when to embed those strategies into daily routines.
MCKIDS is a voluntary program. Parents may choose to leave the program at any time during services. MCKIDS will not terminate services until your child attains the goals and objectives that qualified them for the program, or until your child reaches the age of 3.
Who can refer?
Referrals can come from any individual in a child’s life. The majority of referrals come from physicians, parents, concerned family members, or daycare providers.
A referral form can be completed and either emailed, postal mail, or dropped by the local office. Referrals can also be made by calling MCKIDS.
What is the cost?
MCKIDS is fully funded by Categorical Aid, Federal and State Grant Money, Medicaid Reimbursements, and some Local Funding Sources.
Eligibility Criteria:
The State of Kansas sets automatic eligibility for the following conditions:
1. Congenital Anomaly/ Genetic Disorders
2. Inborn Errors of Metabolism
3. Prenatal Exposures
4. Neurocutaneous Syndromes
5. Prenatal Infections/Congenital Infections
6. Socio Communicative Disorders
7. Attachment Disorders
8. Hearing Loss
9. Vision Impairment
10. Motor Impairment
11. Neurologic/Central Nervous System Disorders.
12. Neonatal Conditions and Associated Complications
13. Other Syndromes
14. Medically Related Disorders
15. Acquired Trauma-Related Disorders
16. Disorders of Growth = Failure to Thrive
In addition to these automatic eligibility qualifiers, there are other ways that
children with developmental delays may receive services.
children with developmental delays may receive services.
1. If a child has a discrepancy of 25% or more in one of the following areas; or
2. If a child has a discrepancy of 20% or more in two or more of the following
2. If a child has a discrepancy of 20% or more in two or more of the following
*Physical development including health and nutritional status, vision, hearing, and motor
*Cognitive development
*Communication development
*Social or emotional development
*Self-help/adaptive development
These judgements are made by the clinically informed opinions of a multidisciplinary team including professionals from different areas.
Learn more about: Child and Family Rights